I have it on great authority that it was quite probably the best venue in clubbing history with an amazing sound system to match. It used to start at at about 12.00am on a Saturday night/Sunday morning and closed at 6.00pm on Sunday night. Now that is what I call a night out. A bit different to us UK clubbers being kicked out of clubs at 2.00pm-ish and then scrambling to the seedy after hours clubs to continue the mayhem.
About the track, as you'd expect a stunning BiR remix which takes you on a 14 minute journey. Epic indeed.
Allison, I couldn't let this post out without dedicating this one to you. Enjoy!!
Also a big shout out to "dateyboy" who also prompted me to post the track.
Enjoy the epic journey peeps!!
Frankie Goes To Hollywood -
Welcome To The Pleasuredome
(Brothers in Rhythm Rollercoaster Mix)
I was a regular at The Saint in the 80's. It was truly amazing. It opened at 11.00 PM on Saturday and closed around noon on Sunday (unless it was a special party, then it would stay open later) We would go to an after party, or to a an afternoon club, or home to rest.
The Saint would then reopen on Sunday night at 10.00 and remain open until Monday morning.
The thing that made The Saint was that a woman had to be a member to come on Saturday night (There were only about five female members), so Saturday nights was all about men)
The dome was spectacular. They had a real planetarium and through out the evening the stars would stream across the dome. Once you were in the dome you be came completey lost and livied for the music. And the music was great. The Saint was famous for sleaze, that's what we called it until it was renamed morning music.
I can send you some sleaze if you like..
The bar was downstairs and the exits from the dome were down a few steps, so there were no distractions from dancing. There never was a place like it and I doubt there will ever be a place like The Saint.
Thanks for the Music
Thank you for the great comments, really appreciated.
I'd be more than happy to receive a few sleaze tracks. Thank you.
Please send them to my email address
Best regards, PCC
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