Here I'm going to stick my neck out and name my all time top 15 favourite remixers.
To be honest the list in my poll contains all my favourites and I've also probably mixed some great ones out of that list e.g. Farley/Heller, D-Ream, Red Jerry, Andy Weatherall, Tony Humprhries, Steve "Silk" Hurley, Love To Infinity, Brian Transeau, CJ Mackintosh, Junior Vasquez.
I could of gone on and on, but had to draw the line somewhere.
So please use the poll to vote and also drop me a comment in the comments box below this post.
Who are your Top 5 fave remixers?
Here's my Top 15 list and the justifications why.
PCC's All Time Top 15 Favourite Remixers
1. Brothers In Rhythm - Simply the untouchables, virtually every single one of their remixes is awesome. Everyone is a true epic which takes you on a journey. They were one of the most profilic remixers and far and away the best. Head and shoulders above anyone IMHO! They simply made too many fantastic remixes to mention them and all the best ones are on this blog.
My faves of what they did; Brue Hornsby - The Way It Is, Shakespeare's Sister - Your History, U2 - Staring At The Sun, Dina Carrol - Ain't No Man, Secret Life - Love So Strong, I could go on and on. Steve Anderson also did some fantastic remixes aside from BiR and I classify these in this No.1 ranking. Again some amazing, amazing tracks, notably Gloria Gaynor - Last Night, Olivia Newton John - Xanadu (totally disco-licious), Duran Duran - Save A Prayer, Paul McCartney, Deliverance, all absolutely amazing tracks.
Dave Seaman was also a great club DJ and Steve Anderson is simply a musical genius.
2. Jimmy Gomez - Just edges it over Chris and James. The quality of some of his remixes were amazing. Think Brian Kenndey - Love, Life and Happiness, M-People - Dreaming, Sunscreem - Looking At You, Anthony White - Love Me Tonight. All absolutely awesome.
Did some great stuff with Chris and James, also and some stuff with Chris as The Delorme and is still putting out some decent stuff occasionally under the Freemasons monicker.
3. Chris and James - It's amazing that all the above 3 remixers came from the DMC stable. There must have been something in the water there. C&J put out some amazing tracks and not just remixes, but some fantastic original productions (as well as being amazing DJs). Their remix of EBTG's - Missing is still one of my favourite remixes ever. It was a travesty how Todd Terry got all the plaudits for his dull, boring remix, when the C&J one was truly monstrous. Other amazing remixes included Liquid - One Love Family, Soundstation - Do You Feel It, INXS - Original Sin, Medium High - The Pleasure, plus many, many more posted on the blog.
4. Graeme Park - His remixes were also just so spot on. They were all very similar in style and generally they were remixes of fabulous house tracks, to which he added a brilliant bit of subtle piano and a slightly groovier beat, but they were always so consistently good. Some of the tracks were just fantastic pieces of house music, which are timeless and still sound amazing today. Check out Mariah Rowe - Sexual, Eddie Flashin Fowlkes - You Can't Turn Me Out and of course who could forget Brand New Heavies - Back To Love and many more which are yet to post on the blog.
5. Frankie Knuckles - Just the sheer quality of his remixes, the amazing production, the beautiful piano and strings, quite simply house music perfection. Check out Electribe 101 - Talking With Myself, Michael Jackson - Rock With You, Alison Limerick - Where Love Lives, Toni Braxton - Unbreak My Heart and many more.
6. David Morales - I was struggling to decide between Morales and Todd Terry, but think that Morales just edged it. I actually think Todd Terry's are more consistently good and Morales are more hit and miss, but some of the tracks he was done are simply awesome. Tracks like, M-People - Itchychoo Park, Novocento - Night and Day, Mariah Carey - Dream Lover, Kuva - Is'nt It Time, Selena - I'm Getting Used To You and lots, lots more of classics.
7. Todd Terry -There just something about his remixes that have sheer quality stamped all over them and of course he has produced lots of original house classics under many aliases, just check a few of this list and it'll remind you of some of the quality tracks he has been behind, Orange Lemon, Royal House, Black Riot, CLS, Gypsymen and lots more. His tracks have the feel that he brings the beat really "out front" and the beat sounds crunchier than all other tracks and remixes, it must be some technical effect he uses? His finest remixes IMHO, Annie Lennox - Littel Bird, Marth Wash - Carry On, PM Dawn - Watcher's Point of View
8. Oakenfold and Osborne - It might come as a surprise to them so low in the list, as they have produced some brilliant stuff over the last 20 years, but also some dross as well. They've also produced some brilliant own production tracks.
Best remixes IMHO are U2 - Lemon/Orange, U2 - Even Better Than The Real Thing, Mansun - Wide Open Space, Solid Gold Easy Amex - Enjoy and many, many more.
9. Roger Sanchez - A bit like Morales produces a lot of remixes and many not that great, but some that are truly amazing, especially when he bangs in the piano. Just check out Charlotte - Sugar Tree, Basia - Drunk On Love, M-People - Moving On Up and a truly fabulous remix of The Police - Walking On The Moon.
10 . T-empo - T-empo made remixes a bit like BiR, huge epic journeys, with massive cascading piano breakdowns. Just check out tracks like Propaganda - P-Machinery, The Coming Out Crew - Free, Gay and Happy, Duran Duran - Falling Down, plus many more. Tim Lennox (one half of T-empo) was a great club DJ also.
11 . Luvdup - The Luvdup Twins produced some absolute belters. They had a fantastic knack of playing exactly the sort of tracks you wanted to hear when they DJ'd, massive pumping tracks and a really wide avried mix of house, disco and handbag. Their remixes always hit the spot.
Their remix of Sam Ellis - Club Lonely - was true genius, also check out - Soft House Company III - What You Need - (just check the piano!!), Rollo Goes Camping - Get Off Your High Horse, plus lots of others.
12. Tiesto - Quite simply some amazing Trance remixes. He remixed some of my all time favourite trance tracks, always pumping, but also very melodic and with huge atmosphere. Check out, Delirium - Silence, Paul Oakenfold - Southern Sun, Jan Johnston - Flesh, Gouryella - Gouryella.
13. Matt Darey - As with Tiesto above, he has produced some wonderful trance moments, Check out, Binary Finary - 1998 and 1999, Agnelli & Nelson - El Niño, Li Kwan - Point Zero. He also teamed up with Red Jerry under the Lost Tribe monicker.
14. Clivillés and Cole - There was a time around 1991 when they were simply the hottest amd most prolific remixers out there and they also produced some absolute classics. Notably, Mariah Carey - Make It Happen, Michael Jackson - Black and White, First Choice - Doctor Love, Mariah Carey - Anytime You Need A Friend, and many, many more classics.
15. Stonebridge - It was a very diffilcult choice the last one in my Top 15 and it came down to Bottom Dollar, Lisa Maire Experience, Way Out West and Stonebridge.
Stonebridge just nicked it as they have produced some absolutely brilliant club tracks and always of a very high quality. Check out Donna Giles - And I'm Telling You, Chrissy Ward - Right and Exact (a big fave of mine), Shuana Davis - Getaway, and many many more.
Well folks there you have it, that's my list of all time Top 15 favourite remixers.
If you want links for all the tracks listed above they are all on the blog, just scroll down on the Artists and Remixers list.
Please let me have your comments and thoughts on your Top 5 fave remixers (or Top 15 if you're like me and can't keep it down to 5). Let me know which were the fantastic tracks they remixed which in your opinion made them so good.
Also don't forget to vote on the poll.
Enjoy peeps!
Best regards, PCC