Saturday, 6 October 2012

Oldie but true goldie!!

I'm pretty amazed that this one hasn't already been posted.
It is another of those house classics and this one is very well known.
I used to think that one day I'd run out of tracks to post on the blog, but I don't think that will ever happen as there are so many fantastic tracks still to post.
I have a list of over 1,000 tracks still lined up to post and I keep adding to the list.
About this one, well as soon as you hear the opening bars you'll know instantly it.
It contains the famous lyrics from the classic Fingers Inc track
"In the beginning there was Jack and Jack had a groove"
It's then got that all too familiar piano riff, which just runs and runs.
It's 22 years old and still sounds fantastically fresh!!
"Let there be house"
Yes indeedy!!!

DJ Atomico Herbie - Atomic House


ignacio said...

amazing piano tune. thank you !!!

tsomo2000 said...

Excellent. p.s. Love the zippyshare service, brilliant!

Pure Club Classics said...

Thanks buddy, I've been meaning to get this up and running for a while, so people can listen before they download, Regards, PCC