Thursday, 4 June 2009

This is a banging Piano Choon!!!

Get a load of this, a real banging piano choon.
Proper hands in the air time, no messing.
Catchy as well and equally as uplifting, a real feel good track which you can't help but love.
Some great piano breakdowns and a throbbing beat and excellent vocals - what else could you ask for.
"Why can't we be togther, like we were back then"
"How long before or never, in the arms, the arms of loren"
Loving it!!!

Evoke - Arms of Loren
(Steinway Mix)


  1. Anonymous06 June, 2009

    Thank you very much for this one too, haven't heard that one before ;-) remembering the good 'ol times...

  2. great memories, perfect :-) cheers
